Addiction to unhealthy habits

You have asked yourself Why do we have bad habits ? Why do we do what we know that does not do anything right? For example, overeating, smoking, overindulging or not getting enough sleep. The reason could be for the sense of time and social acceptance.

In accordance with Cindy Jardine , researcher of the University of Alberta in Canada , people know the risks of carrying unhealthy habits . Although this knowledge is not enough to change their lifestyle because they live the here and now, they hardly think about the future.

Here are the reasons that explain why people adopt "bad" habits:


  1. For challenging your nature human
  2. For satisfying your needs social acceptance .
  3. Because of the inability to understand really the nature of risk .
  4. For maintaining a individualistic vision of the world and not rationalize unhealthy habits.
  5. For his genetic predisposition to the addiction of harmful substances such as alcohol or cigar.


Addiction to unhealthy habits

Cindy Jardine says that people know that smoke can kill them or that to drink Y drive It is a lethal combination. The logic would be to avoid these habits, but no, people are still living a lifestyle risky .


It is understandable that people continue with these behaviors to fit in a group or to feel socially accepted. They are governed by the logic that "everyone does it and that way I am more accepted", adds the researcher .

The social and physical environment also greatly influences unhealthy habits. For example, if your friend or partner takes time to smoke during work, this will affect you if you live too long with her.


How to change a bad habit?

A bad habit does not disappear miraculously, there is too much work and effort behind. By not seeing the changes quickly people tend to get discouraged, giving up very soon.

Clayton Tucker-Ladd, clinical psychologist , advises changing a negative habit for a desirable one. For example, instead of spending hours and hours watching television, you could invest part of that time to exercise or take some class.

But above all, specialists recommend increase the "awareness" about tomorrow. Think how the unhealthy habit Current and immediate reward may alter welfare in the future.

Video Medicine: Break Your Sugar Addiction in 10 Days (April 2024).