Activate your metabolism!

How many times a month do you detoxify your body? This measure not only helps you have better health, but burns grease more quickly, by stimulating a better function of your liver and your body in general, but how to eliminate fat from your body?

According to different studies, the key is to activate the metabolism, which you can achieve naturally with your habits and food. Put these actions into practice and enjoy a body of envy!


Activate your metabolism!


  1. Add seafood to your diet. These ingredients fill you with fiber and nutrients, it is best to consume them at lunch or dinner. For example, salmon stimulates your metabolism and provides you with proteins necessary for a good functioning of the body, according to a study published in the journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition .
  2. Drink two glasses of water before eating . A study presented in the American Chemical Society notes that this action can help you lose kilos quickly and safely. You can do it before each meal. It gives you a feeling of fullness and stimulates your body.
  3. Add vitamin C. The accumulation of fat is also generated by stress, so when you are about to explode by nervous tension, eat foods rich in vitamin C, since it balances the peaks of cortisol.
  4. Play in the office . Move your legs, walk, go down and up the stairs, no matter what activity you do, just stay active. With this, you activate thermogenesis, a process that helps you burn your body's extra fat.
  5. Include yogurt to your diet. Because it is rich in probiotics, yogurt is an excellent food to help you lose weight, according to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition.
  6. Laugh from the bottom of your stomach . Set aside your earrings and enjoy a good laugh with your co-worker. According to a study by the International Journal of Obesity, this action will burn calories.
  7. Choose organic products . Several nutritionists say that the pesticides found in food contaminate the body, so they slow it down and encourage the accumulation of fat. In contrast, organic foods help you to purify your body and accelerate the burning of fat.

Also, do not forget that the practice of exercise and good hydration are essential to burn the fat of your body and show off the body you've always wanted. And you, are you ready to burn fat easily?