You crave a nap!

After a strong lunch, at midday or at dusk, sometimes our body suffers a drowsiness that prevents us from performing our functions quickly and efficiently; however, this fatigue could be avoided by taking a nap.

According to a study conducted by the POT , a 20-minute nap is enough to improve attention and make people feel more alert to possible threats.


You crave a nap!

A bad dream can produce alterations in your body such as bad mood, weight gain, poor concentration and depression; but what you can get by taking a nap a day, science reveals it to you:

1. An option to your sexual problems. According to University of Guadalajara , a nap allows the body to rest which produces an improvement in sexual life.

2. Consolidate memories. For Susanne Diekelmann, author of the study conducted by the University of Lübeck, when a memory is recorded for the first time in the brain - in the hippocampus, specifically - it remains "fragile" and easily forgotten, especially if the brain is asked to memorize more things. Napping, apparently, pushes memories to the neocortex, the brain is more permanent storage.

3. Ideal to study. According to a study of the University of California, Taking a nap helps clear information in temporary storage areas of the brain. Matthew Walker, Research leader, indicates that sleep is a necessary process that erases the brain's short-term storage memory, so there is room to absorb new information.

4. Active all day. According to an investigation of the University of Leon, 10 minutes to 15 minutes of sleep seems to be the optimal period in terms of improvement of mental operations, performance, reaction times and subjective feelings of alertness. Since performance and alertness seems to be maintained for a maximum of two to three hours after napping.

For a nap to be effective you must always do it at the same time, and it must not exceed twenty minutes. Try it! What are you waiting for?

Video Medicine: When pregnancy cravings keep you awake at night ???????????? (April 2024).