7 tips to take life lighter

For many experts in psychology and personal relationships, taking life lightly is an attitude that is associated with a certain lack of motivation and interest, which is characterized by the absence of desires, of illusions, as a lack of expectations of success or excess of expectations of failure.

However, for many others, taking life more lightly could be a way to release the burden of feelings, emotions, stress Y tensions which loads a person every day. It could be more beneficial to give him a certain optimistic and relaxed sense, when they have to face the daily challenges. That is, take advantage of the positive of stress, the one that makes you overcome difficulties.

Therefore, according to mundopsicologia.com, we present some tips that can help you take your life more lightly and look at the problems from another perspective:

1. Do not take personal things. Learning to accept advice, as well as constructive criticism, will help you grow as a person and professionally. It is important to listen and learn to accept when we are wrong.

2. Learn not to react or judge. Having the habit of taking personal things means that you assume that someone is in a certain way attacking you, when the reality could be that he is just kidding or is having a bad day. Learn to control your emotions. Do not draw conclusions lightly.

3. Do not want to look good. If you are especially sensitive to the way people treat you, or often overreact, you may have a very sensitive rejection detector. In many cases, it means that this person is not happy with himself and you do not have to feel guilty about that.

4. Do not overrate yourself. Stop taking your compliments personally, because if you base your self-value on how often people make compliments to you, then you are allowing others to decide how you feel about yourself. Do not put your self-esteem in the hands of others.

5. Allow yourself frustration . The desires can not be realized as well, therefore a good dose of patience, trial and error are fundamental to go forward.

6. Change the focus. The demotivation it has to do with the perception that desires are unattainable. One of the changes that we must carry out is to start by setting goals, desires, objectives according to the real possibilities.

7. Share the objectives with someone who helps you give them shape and meaning. It is advisable to contrast with someone (who is your absolute confidence) the real possibility of reaching the marked wishes. An observer can contribute much from a good perspective.

Remember that you must give value to everything you do, in its proper measure. Find a sense, worth fighting for the benefit it will have on you, whatever it may be. If you are not able to do it, few people will do something for you.

Video Medicine: 10 Awesome Life Hacks For Lighter (May 2024).