5 things that strengthen your will

The willpower is the ability of an individual to perform actions that will change their lives, as well as to resist temptations that can hinder or spoil the achievement of medium or short term goals.

According to a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, 27% of the participants responded that the lack of willpower it is the most significant barrier that exists to not be able to change their lives; However, how true is it, and how would it be possible to increase it?

The will is the internal impulse that people need to achieve their goals; example, lose weight, exercise, finish a project or simply change the routine in our relationship.

Necessary, even in the simplest aspects, GetQoralHealth offers you five tips that will help you strengthen it:

1. Focus on the goal. The essential thing is to maintain the motivation. Having your eyes fixed on the objective and thinking about the benefits you will get if you achieve it, will be your main incentives.

2. The will is like a muscle, you must exercise it. Nothing emerges overnight and will much less. This must be developed day by day by overcoming small personal challenges and always with the best possible disposition.

3. Change your habits. Altering or transforming established life routine for years is not an easy matter; However, subtle changes such as brushing your teeth three times a day instead of two can help strengthen your will. This is indicated by a study carried out by the Case Western Reserve University in the United States

4. Say no to stress. Sometimes you think a lot about things without realizing that they are not always so important. Analyze and be objective, classify your priorities, reflect on what is really important and focus on it.

5. Positive attitude. This is an element that is not only important for strengthen the will, It is indispensable for all aspects of life from self-esteem to professional development. In addition, it is the tool that will allow you and motivate you to achieve your goals and face defeats.

For the specialist Roy Baumeiter of the Florida State University There are other elements, apart from the will that help an individual to achieve their goals:

1. Establish the motivation to make the change and set a clear goal.
2. Monitor the behavior that leads to the goal.
3. Exercise the will power.

For an emotional and physical well-being, the change must start from the same person. She is the only one who can determine her goals and, therefore, the changes she needs to make to achieve them.

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