7 signs of a bad yoga practice

Despite the great benefits that yoga provides to physical, mental and spiritual health, sometimes, people often feel some pain or discomfort after doing so and choose to leave it and create a bad image of this discipline. This happens because they do not know how to practice yoga correctly.

According to information published in The Huffington Post If you do not have an adequate guide and the asanas are performed correctly, side effects that harm well-being can be generated.

So that you avoid it and enjoy the benefits to the fullest, here are the most common signs that reveal that you are practicing yoga badly.

1. Injuries When you do not perform well the postures, the most common pains that are experienced are in the neck, back, knees and shoulders, as tears and hernias.

2. Exhaustion. Do you feel tired after your class? It is possible that you are doing too much effort and you are not hydrating properly. If you feel dizzy, fatigue and nausea you should control the effort you use to practice the asanas.

3. You feel the need to compete. Yoga is useful to relax, find inner peace and tone your body; However, when a competitive environment is created in a yoga session it can trigger an excess of exercise, injury and exhaustion.

4. Rigidity and stagnation . By practicing the same routine over and over again you limit your ability to grow and gain elasticity in other parts of your body, so the ideal is to make changes in your yoga postures constantly.

5. Spiritual Ego When you only practice yoga to feed your ego or use spirituality to justify your actions.

6. Impatience A perfect yoga posture is achieved with practice. One of the most common mistakes of beginners is to try to perform asanas perfectly in their first class. This can only cause physical damage and self-esteem.

7. Forget about the final relaxation. Breathing, as well as warm-up and relaxation exercises are basic to successfully completing a yoga session. Never miss them!

By correctly performing the yoga postures you can enjoy all the benefits, the important thing is that you maintain a positive attitude and improve your quality of life without risks.Beware !

Video Medicine: Yoga for Bloating, Digestion, Ulcerative Colitis, IBD & IBS (April 2024).