7 foods for radiant skin

A good or bad diet is reflected both in the body and in the skin . Remember that we are the ones who eat. Therefore, the specialists of the Huffington Post Voices , recommend including natural trim to your diet to have a skin soft and radiant

1. Almonds : The vitamin E brightens the skin dry, because it neutralizes the free radicals , the molecules that make it look opaque.

2. Crab: Keep your face free of pimples. When the fat and bacteria they lodge in the pores, they produce inflammation Y acne . The zinc in the crab reduces the proliferation of grains.

3. Green tea: According to a report from The Journal of Nutrition , its high content of antioxidants restore the elasticity of the skin .

4. Sunflower oil: It contains linoleic acid , a substance that creates an outer layer of cells that soften the skin of the face

5. Whole wheat bread: The niacin that is found in whole grains reduces the redness caused by acne , rosacea and others, by inhibiting inflammatory agents.

6. Chickpeas: Reduces scars, scratches and dark spots on the skin . The protein of the chickpeas provides the essential amino acids for the growth and regeneration of the dermis.

7. Peach: It helps prevent wrinkles. It has a high content of vitamin A, same as the body transforms into retinol , a compound that produces cells new in the skin .

Remember to drink more than two liters of water a day to keep hydrated your skin . Avoid smoking and try to sleep at least eight hours, in this way you will always look young and beautiful.

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