6 anti-stress foods

There are many anti-stress foods whose properties give you energy and optimism after its intake, allowing us to alleviate this evil; However, not all of them are so effective or beneficial to your health due to the high contribution of calories or sugars.

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we present some of the most effective and healthy for you to include them in your diet , to prevent and combat stress :

Banana : It is one of the most useful foods for our nervous system , being rich in vitamins of group B, A and C. It also contains minerals (mainly calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron), and is characterized by being an extremely easy to digest fruit, because carbohydrates that he owns are of slow assimilation.

Nuts: As far as the anti-stress foods themselves are concerned, the most potent are almonds and raisins, both rich invitamins from compleo B).

Wheat germ : It is a useful food to compensate the reserves of vitamin B, besides being rich in phosphorus and Vitamin E. Due to its potassium, magnesium and copper content, it is beneficial for the nervous system .

Sunflower seeds : Although they are small in size, they are very rich in vitamins of group B and E. They take care of both the health of the nervous system like the heart.

Milk and derivatives: Milk contains calcium, good for nervous system , while its temperature helps relax the stomach area. his proteins you get precursor tryptophan from serotonin , but also, for its richness in minerals that contribute to the functioning of neuromuscular system .

Tea : Their different varieties have relaxing effects. Its consumption is associated to a moment of tranquility, which is why it is very effective. The tea of ​​lime, lemon balm and basil, are true de-stressing natural

Remember that for a more accurate effect, you should sit quietly and eat slowly each of the foods you choose to enhance their effects anti-stress . In addition to giving you a few minutes periodically to rest, breathe and physically activate.

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Video Medicine: 5 Anti Stress Foods (April 2024).