5 tips to get along with your in-laws

How to get along with in-laws? They are part of the political relationships that you will have throughout your life, so the ideal is that you promote a respectful, cordial and friendly bond, Paola Hamui, from the Patient Assistance Clinic of the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico (SPM)

The specialist ensures that it is normal for your parents to have a feeling of jealousy with your arrival, however, with the following points you can achieve a cordial relationship with them.

  1. Accept that they are the parents of your partner. Take into account that they are the parents of your partner and that if you have problems with them, they are putting the person you are interested in in a dilemma or in an awkward position.
  2. Respectful links In political relations, respect, kindness and education must predominate. If there is any conflict they must maintain a clear communication and without disrespect.
  3. Agreements Remember that they will also be the grandparents of your children, so it is best to reach agreements through words to avoid misunderstandings.
  4. Limits. You must learn to put congruent and cordial limits, for example, if you live in your in-laws' house you must respect the rules that exist in that place, or vice versa, when they go to your house they should not pass your authority.
  5. Dialog If there is a problem with them, it is best to talk directly with the person who has caused you some discomfort. Avoid triangulating the information with your partner, so as not to put it "between the sword and the wall".

Another point you should take into account is the closeness and distance you have with your in-laws, since this should be optimal for you, that is, you should feel comfortable and without causing any conflict.

Remember that these are relationships that you will have all your life, so try to benefit from them and feel happy, but everything depends on your attitude when talking and negotiating things; In addition, let love arise if there is an opportunity, concludes the specialist. And you, how do you get along with your in-laws?

Video Medicine: 5 Ways to Deal with In-Laws Who Don't Like You (May 2024).