Young parents have problems maintaining healthy habits

The young couples that have children children may have difficulty maintaining a healthy diet and a good exercise routine , indicates a new study published by the medical journal Pediatrics.

The study investigated more than 1,500 young adults. Those couples with children with an average age of 5 years or less, usually exercise less than couples who do not. Young mothers tend to start eat more calories , drinks with sugar Y Saturated fats , which are found in meat, butter and milk.

On average, moms reported doing less than 2.5 hours of vigorous exercise -moderated per week, compared to women without children , who made more than 3 hours of exercise per week

As for men, the parents performed less than 5.5 hours a week, against about 7 hours between young without children.

Although the discovery may not be new among working parents with tight schedules, the main reason why young parents decrease their healthy habits is for the lack of time and energy to take them out

Experts recommend that couples try to prepare healthy snacks , that contain vegetables and fruit , for the moments that have to leave quickly from their homes. If you do not have enough time to prepare them, then suggest that attention be paid to control of the portion of the food.

Source: Pediatrics and Reuters.

Video Medicine: 10 Traits of Toxic Parents Who Ruin Their Children’s Lives (April 2024).