5 things that the dream reveals of your health

Beyond a lack of rest, a prediction of the future or a reflection of the internal "I", dreams can reveal the true state of health of a person; besides indicating how much the disease is affecting it.

According to the neurophysiologist Fernando Fernández González , leader of an investigation carried out by the Central University Hospital of Asturias , "Dreams are a subtle replica of the vigil with a few drops of unreality". An example of this are people suffering from Alzheimer's, which keep their inability to remember at night.

Some diseases that can reveal sleep and that indicate that you health condition It is not the ideal one they are the following:

1. Depression The patient wakes up in mita of the night and does not fall asleep.

2. Heart problems . People who are more sleepy during wakefulness may have a mortality risk of 33% higher in suffering diseases related to the heart according to research published by the journal Stroke.

3. Anxiety A moderate intensity causes difficulty in falling asleep. At the same time, the delay in getting to sleep can favor the appearance of thoughts that, not only complicate the dream, but can affect the health status of the person since it diminishes the hours of this one.

4. Anguish. This can generate a panic attack during sleep. These are usually accompanied by insomnia and restless sleep.

5. Neurodegenerative diseases. A study conducted by the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, discovered that there is a relationship between people who, in the deepest phase of sleep, express insults, shouts or blows have a greater risk of contracting Parkinson's disease and multisystemic atrophy, among other diseases.

For Fernandez, when people sleep they are still aware of their environment, so mothers wake up when they notice a change in their child's breathing or we wake up at a certain time, the time to get to the appointment on time.

Video Medicine: 12 Things Your Stool Says About Your Health (April 2024).