5 things you did not know about the male orgasm

During the climax intense sensations are experienced in different parts of the body, so it is the culmination of pleasure in a sexual relationship. Normally, male orgasm is usually associated with the expulsion of semen, but there are data that can be very interesting.

According to information published in The Huffington Post , there are many myths about orgasm, so several studies have focused on discovering other data that will help you understand it better.

1. Lasts longer than the feminine. The male orgasm lasts 22 seconds longer than that of women, however, each climax is different. Therefore, the professor of University of Kentucky , Kristen Marcos recommends Kegel exercises to increase the intensity of pleasure.

2. Prevent breast cancer. A study published in The British Journal of Cancer, ensures that the frequent male orgasm prevents the development of this type of neoplasm, by the release of oxytocin and dihydroepiandrosterone.

3.- Sports performance. A study published in the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine reveals that experiencing an orgasm before a competition of this type does not reduce the athlete's energy.

4. It improves the mood. Orgasm increases the production of hormones related to good mood such as serotonin, cortisol, porlactin, oxytocin and melatonin.

5.- Fluidless orgasm. The climax is not always accompanied by seminal fluid, especially in adolescence, says the professor Alfred Kinsey, founder of The Kinsey Institute.

On the other hand, the portal TuGuíaSexual.com He details that during the male orgasm, the muscles of the area contract eight times every eight tenths of a second.

Remember that the key to enjoy the climax is to stimulate every part of the genitals, so do not hesitate to experience different postures, oral sex and caresses to take pleasure. And you, do you know the benefits of orgasm?

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Video Medicine: 10 things you didn't know about orgasm | Mary Roach (May 2024).