Effective relaxation techniques

Proven: relax consists of freeing the mind and muscles of the body from the tension . According to the experts, the usual practice of relaxation improves chronic pain, anxiety , phobias , as well as Heart problems or respiratory; above all, pathologies of a psychosomatic nature, such as asthma and the eczema .

Relieving nervous tension, through relaxation methods and techniques, is useful to avoid muscular contractures , digestive disorders , migraines hypertension , among other conditions.

The progressive relaxation , for example, eliminates the body's responses to stress , that weaken the immune system. Relieves tension that support the nervous system and muscles, by allowing physiological processes to normalize.

Progressive relaxation is highly recommended to treat anxiety and disorders with a strong psychic component, although it benefits all people.

Relaxation methods

1. Yoga . It combines movements, stretching, breathing exercises and meditation to promote a harmonious functioning of the organism and the mind.

2. Tai-chi and chi-kung . Both disciplines produce similar effects. They are indicated for back problems, arthritis , asthma and coronary diseases; They are qualified as excellent prevention disciplines.

Video Medicine: Exercises for Stress Reduction & Deep Relaxation - Part 4 of 4 - Deep Conscious Sleep (April 2024).