5 steps to debug your organism

Did you overdo the portions of the food and feel guilty? Activate your metabolism naturally with these tips to purify your body and maintain a healthy weight.

Forget the guilt and get active to eliminate the extra calories, you just need to adopt certain habits that will allow you to feel healthy and with lots of energy. Follow the following tips to debug the body:

1.- Probiotics: According to a study published in the journal Nutrition , this type of bacteria promotes body detoxification and weight loss, since they restore the balance of the intestines. Ingest them through dairy products such as yogurt or low-fat and fat-free milk.

2.- Hydration: Drink at least two liters of water a day, since water is vital for the metabolism to activate and the body to recover from excess food.

3.- Balanced diet: Forget about foods full of fat or rich in salt and sugar, as well as carbohydrates. For three days increase your intake of vegetables, fruits and fish.

4.- Eat grains and cereals: This type of food improves cellular oxygenation, which facilitates blood circulation and improves the digestive system.

5.- Physical activity: Try to exercise in the mornings, since a study carried out in Belgium and published by The Journal of Phisiology reveals that this schedule is the ideal for burning fats.

According to the portal eHow.com , there are molecules called zeolites that absorb toxins, so they are ideal for purifying the body. This natural substance is ingested in the form of liquid, pills and powder. And you, what method do you prefer to detoxify your body?

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Video Medicine: 6 Simple Ways to Detox Your Body (April 2024).