5 effective exercises to reduce chaparraras

The fat that accumulates in the hips is the most difficult to treat and disguise. However, you can fight it through focused exercises to treat chaps.

Without EMB

Recommended exercises

To eliminate the adipose tissue which accumulates in the chaps, start doing this:

1. Take walks of 100 meters per minute (less time would imply a bad exercise) for 30 minutes.

2. Lie on the floor on the right side. Support the head on the right hand and flex the right knee. With the left hand resting on the floor and the elbow bent (at the waist), stretch the left leg. Slowly raise and lower the left leg (without touching the floor) 20 times. Repeat the exercise with the other leg. Make three sets of 20 repetitions each.

3. On a towel, get on your knees with your arms close to your body, inhale and lean back as much as possible. Exhale while you return to the starting position. Do the full movement 10 times.

4. With the feet separated at the height of the hip check the distance between them and place two parallel lines with tape (or masking tape) as a path. Then, keeping your back straight, place your feet on each line and walk forward and then back. Walk for five minutes.

5. Makes aerobic exercises such as running, swimming, pedaling, skiing, rowing, jumping rope and any activity that is performed without pause for at least 20 minutes and with movements that stimulate almost all muscles of the body.

These exercises should be done three times a week; With perseverance and dedication, in a short time, you will begin to see the results.


Video Medicine: Shaun T's 5-Minute Fat-Blasting Workout (April 2024).