5 common infections in promiscuous men

Promiscuity is as old as man, as well as Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) that, despite the numerous methods of protection that currently exist, affect the health of millions of men and women.

Having different sexual partners damages your mental health and puts your physical health at risk by contracting different viruses that can generate from infertility to death.

In GetQoralHealth we tell you what are the 5 most common sexually transmitted diseases among promiscuous men:

1. Fungi The most frequent are the candid ones that cause candidiasis. They occur in the genital area as a balano-urethritis characterized by reddened areas usually hidden by whitish lumps.

In general, urethritis is characterized by a more or less consistent urethral discharge associated with variable stinging at the time of urination, and there are many causes that can cause it.

2. Gonorrhea. It is a venereal disease caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrheae, which affects the urogenital mucous membranes and, more rarely, the pharynx, conjunctiva or rectum.

It produces a purulent exudate through the urethra. In case of reaching the prostate, it can obstruct the passage of urine. Meanwhile, in women, gonorrhea appears in the urethra, cervix or vagina, which may be inflamed and red.

3. Syphilis It is generated by the spirochete Treponema pallidum and is characterized by the appearance of a painless initial ulcer in the area of ​​infection, which disappears spontaneously, as well as rashes on the genitals that may end up affecting other organs.

If not treated early, it leads to the appearance of later stages of the disease that are expressed with skin and mucous lesions, cardiovascular involvement and neurological damage.

There are other bacteria that cause ulcers or cankers of inoculation and that are transmitted by sexual contact, as is the case of some type of hemophilus that leads to a skin lesion called chancroid or soft chancre, which is usually multiple, soft and painful. .

4. Genital herpes. It is an infection caused by herpes simplex type 2; it is usually transmitted through sexual contact. The symptoms are manifested by blisters and painful pimples on the skin and genital membranes. There may also be some fever and urinary incontinence.

5. Virus. They are the most important germs due to their incurable or difficult-to-treat nature, such as the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), responsible for the AIDS disease; Hepatitis B and the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) that causes genital warts.

Prevention is the best strategy that can be adopted to avoid Sexually Transmitted Diseases, as well as the choice of a couple with which you achieve a connection on a physical, emotional and sentimental level. And you, do you choose promiscuous couples or do you prefer fidelity?