5 benefits of meditation

To meditate for a few minutes a day they help you reduce the stress and also broadens your vision of life. Therefore, it is said that the meditation It is our best friend, because it helps us to free ourselves from all the negative thoughts we bring and accumulate in our mind.

About, Dharmacharini Abhayagita , member of the Buddhist Center of Mexico City , affirmed that this discipline has been practiced for more than 5,000 years for intellectual, religious and therapeutic purposes. Currently, the meditation It is considered an effective process to increase human awareness and make better decisions. Here we present some of its benefits:

In this sense Abhayagita, considers that the meditation it is something that gives results, only if it is constant. In this way we can have:

1. Sense of life
2. Goal to live
3. Peace and tranquility
4. Modification in our harmful behaviors
5. Healthy eating and living habits, which do not allow to be and look good

However, the member of the Buddhist Center reiterates that the meditation It is not magic: "You should practice in a relaxed place every day, preferably at the same time. The minutes you dedicate to your practice, try not to despair and give yourself the opportunity to be with you and find a possible solution to your everyday life experiences. The result is amazing, you can heal physically and inwardly, lose weight , be less impulsive, etc. "