4 myths of cardiovascular exercise

Cardiovascular exercise is also called aerobic. Through this you can strengthen much of the muscles that make up your body, it is also a physical activity that you can perform for a long time; example, walking, cycling and swimming.

According to Texas Heart Institute , cardiovascular exercise allows the body to use oxygen more efficiently, which provides maximum benefits to the heart, lungs and circulatory system.

However, around this activity there are some myths that prevent the people who practice it from achieving the desired results, in information published by the Huffpost Voices Some of them are revealed:

1. You must burn at least 500 calories during a cardio session. Staying on the treadmill to reach your "magic number" is a waste of time, since machines only offer an estimate of your metabolic rate. What you should do is work harder in small starts, so you will burn more calories even when your training is over.

2. Do you eliminate more calories on an empty stomach? Specialist Michele Olson from the University of Auburn, when you exercise in this way, your body turns to the fragments of carbohydrates and fat that are in your bloodstream and muscles, but not your fat cells.

3. If you do enough cardio you can eat whatever you want. For the sports specialist, Bret Contreras, exercise is not enough to burn fat. That is underestimate

4. Combine same day sessions . If you are going to run to later carry out weights in order to intensify the benefits. The expert Lindsay Vastola, suggests that it is best to practice on separate days, so you can have greater resistance.

To maintain your body in optimal conditions it is necessary that you integrate 30 minutes of exercise and a balanced diet into your daily life. Beware!

Video Medicine: Shaun T Insanity with Dr. Oz (May 2024).