Discover what happens when we exercise

Everyone talks about the benefits of exercising, but do we really know what happens inside the body? A group of American researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital , United States, studied the metabolic changes that occur when doing sports and discovered, among other things, that they favor the system cardiovascular and protect from disorders like diabetes .

The results of the study were published in the medical journal Science Translational Medicine . The team of Dr. Gregory D. Lewis resorted to a technique based on mass spectrometry that allows to characterize the components of the blood (metabolites ).

One of these analyzes focused on a group of patients who underwent an exercise test on a treadmill for about 10 minutes. The results indicated that a score of metabolites experienced some type of variation during and after the activity:

"The circulation of concentrations of metabolites indicates the rapid activation of a catabolic program that persists, at least, until 60 minutes after the cessation of physical activity, "the experts indicate.


Effects of the exercise

These variations can serve to balance inadequate metabolic states, which, among others, "contribute to the obesity or resistance to insulin ".

The same effects were found in eight people while riding a bicycle and whose cardiac and pulmonary exercise was monitored through the blood by means of a catheter.

In addition to these data, the experts studied the metabolic profile of 25 runners who participated in the Boston Marathon. The idea was to identify what happens when the intensity of physical activity increases.


The results

Along with the increase in metabolism in fats, sugars and carbohydrates, which appeared in both moderate and intense exercise, the scientific group identified lower levels of amino acids in the and the corridors.

This means that the substance is used as an energy source to maintain levels of glucose appropriate while performing a longer exercise.

The scientists also observed that the response varies depending on the physical condition of each athlete: those who are fittest present some changesmetabolic s s more beneficial, that is, burn more fat.

Video Medicine: What happens inside your body when you exercise? (April 2024).