3 keys to control emotions

The roller coaster may well represent a day in the life of some person, by professional and family tests that must be overcome every day, ranging from joy to anger; Therefore, it is essential to learn to control emotions.

It depends on the type of stimulus that receives: kisses, rudeness, news, secrets or blows, the body reacts, and in an instant its temperature changes: The cheeks blush, the heartbeat it accelerates, there is a tingling in the abdominal part or the eyes moisten, before breaking into tears.

Nothing is easy to learn to live with what you feel, but it is necessary to avoid becoming a victim of everything that is experienced.

Rozzana Sánchez, academic at the Faculty of Psychology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) explains that: "To make a good handling of the emotions affects physical health; that is, if we do it in an inappropriate way it favors Heart problems , linked to digestive system , among others.

It also has repercussions in interpersonal life because repressing, hiding or suppressing them is negative; the ideal is to know how to get away from stimulus to react in a prudent manner.

In this sense, the specialist states that all people respond differently to each emotion, so it recommends to achieve better control:

1. Stopping a few seconds before reacting, gives the possibility of evaluating the stimulus that triggers it to do it properly.
2. Express in writing what you feel is very useful, after doing so it is advisable to burn it to release everything that was unburned.
3. Identify the events that trigger a negative emotion and avoid giving importance to them, so that their impact is less harmful.

"Emotions are part of our human essence and have an adaptive function of our organism to the environment that surrounds us; therefore, its nature allows it to occur suddenly and abruptly, as they are short and intense. Unlike the feelings that remain for long periods of time, emotions are temporary, "concludes Rozzana Sánchez.

Naming what it feels like, discovering its nature and impact is a great tool to fully enjoy what life holds, as well as a valuable training to learn to decide properly."The principle of being patient is to start with oneself" . bojorge@teleton.org.mx

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