When they do not get enough sleep

Sleeping Beauty set the example and we have to follow it: A study reveals that women need more hours of sleep than men, because their ability to do several things at once causes greater wear and tear on their body.


Accomplishing at work, housework and child care, makes women exhausted and require more sleep, "says Jim Horne, author of the research at Duke University.

The researchers found that women's brains require a longer period to rest and recover lost energy by performing multiple tasks they perform. In contrast, men lack of sleep seems not to harm them.


When they do not get enough sleep

1. Excessive hunger and anxiety

Lack of sleep causes women to eat large amounts of foods high in fat and carbohydrates.

2. More risks of having an accident

According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleeping less than six hours triples the probability of having an accident due to sleep driving, due to effects on eye coordination.

3. More emotions

A study by Harvard University shows that women need more hours of sleep because the lack of it can generate depression, anguish, little tolerance to frustration and anger.

4. Less concentration

Being tired can make it difficult to learn and retain concepts. Only 20 extra minutes of rest are enough to restore brain stability.

Video Medicine: Are Kids Getting Enough Sleep? (May 2024).