Do you gesticulate a lot?

When you express your ideas through the voice, there is another mechanism that interacts in the message and that can reveal to your interlocutor more information than necessary: gesticulation which is part of the nonverbal language.

Various investigations show that 55% of nonverbal communication is facial. When an emotion occurs there are muscles of the face that are activated involuntarily. For the specialist, Paul Ekman , of the University of California , the face contains a double message: on the one hand what you want to contribute, on the other, what you want to hide.

According to information published in the XXVI Congress of the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine , people perform daily thousand gestures on the face, three per minute; however, the gesticulation goes beyond this area of ​​the body, it can be carried out with arms, hands and legs.

Non-verbal language can interfere or help to achieve work and emotional goals, but how much can a person say about their different gesticulations ? GetQoralHealth tells you what reveals some gestures of your personality and emotions:

1. Cross the arms. They show a defensive attitude
2. Biting the nails. reveals insecurity or nervousness
3. If they look at you in the eyes fixedly. Denote that there is nothing to hide, the conversation is clean, it also indicates control of the situation
4. Look down . Does not appreciate or does not care what he hears
5. Sit with your hands holding your head from behind. It shows self-confidence and feelings of superiority.
6. Watch the clock while you talk. It is a gesture that reveals impatience and anxiety.
7. If you sit with both legs joined parallel to each other. denotes a careful, orderly and balanced personality.

In most cases, the gesticulations they are done involuntarily, but this action can be controlled and managed. Remember non-verbal language, in addition to revealing emphasis, emotion and character to our speech. If you learn to control can be an ideal tool to achieve various goals in life.

Video Medicine: What Your Hands Say About You (April 2024).