Full baby does not mean he's healthy

In addition to growing during your first year , babies live an internal process that will depend on their physical constitution in childhood, adolescence and adult life: the formation of adipocytes (cells that store fat).

The number of fat deposits that develops in the first 12 months, will accompany him throughout his life, therefore a greater number of Adipocytes , the greater the possibility of suffering overweight or obesity at any stage of its development.

This means that a baby who eats more than he should, will develop more fatty tissue that, as he grows, will increase in size, if the necessary measures are not taken to control his feeding .


The idea that a "full" baby is healthy still prevails among families, this mistaken association between complexion and the Health causes parents not to take control of weight of your child, because they do not consider periodic visits to the pediatrician for monitoring your weight and height.

As explained in a statement from the Health Division of PREVENIMSS, among the consequences of maintaining overweight and obesity is the difficulty to perform daily activities, such as sitting, rolling and even learning to walk; In addition, the baby will be much calmer, all the time he will want to be asleep or lying down, so his development will be slower .

Experts agree that the weight control and monitoring of size , increase Y developing of the baby, are basic conditions to turn them into healthy adults. We present a table that will guide you in the development of your baby.

Weight in Kg. By age; values ​​recommended by Official Mexican Standard 031-SSA-1999 for Child Health Care and the World Health Organization

What to do if my baby is overweight or obese?

There are two fundamental causes for overweight in babies, either physiological, a fault in the functioning of the glands or poor diet.

Therefore, some cases require multidisciplinary attention; if it is a problem of glands the endocrinologist should be called upon, as well as the support of a rehabilitation doctor to design a plan for exercises appropriate for the little one.

However, if the source of the problem is the feeding , you can moderate from the amount of milk to the consumption of juices and porridge under the advice of a nutritionist .