Avoid dry and contaminated environments

Undoubtedly one of the most annoying symptoms are the scabs on the nose It can even affect our breathing and can be very painful in some cases.

You can also see: Scabs on the scalp

Most of the time they manifest because of dryness. To avoid these annoyances there are remedies to alleviate them:


Avoid dry and contaminated environments

This type of climate can cause more dry and difficulty breathing.


Gentle washing

The affected area must be kept clean. It is recommended to wash daily with saline and after a week do it with seawater .

You should not tear off the scab, otherwise it will increase in size.



Apply a small amount of anti-infective ointment to the scab, use a cotton swab. This will prevent dryness.

Do not touch the scab with dirty fingers, you could infect the area.

Forget about the scabs on the nose with these remedies and avoid complications in your health.


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Video Medicine: Contamination Free Weigh Module (May 2024).