1.Improve your health

Learn to dance It can be a challenge for many people; However, knowing the benefits of this physical activity, Sure you will not find obstacles to do it.

According to the specialized trainers, the dance has many physical and psychological advantages for the body of the human being, because you can strengthen the muscles and improve your self-esteem.

In order to encourage and learn to dance, here we give you five more benefits of this discipline:


1.Improve your health

When dancing the cardiovascular system improves, you increase the resistance , flexibility, and you strengthen the bones and muscles bodily Also, you prevent diseases of the heart and the diabetes .


2. Increase your balance

  When learning to dance, your body improves its Balance , coordination, agility, power, reaction capacity and speed. This will reduce falls and improve your position .

Video Medicine: Using Herbs and Spices to Improve Your Health (May 2024).