5 steps to get rid of fat

The exercise and a good diet are key to achieving this. However, sometimes having a "healthy" lifestyle is not the only thing that will help you burn calories . Therefore, here we present 5 tips that you can apply, to look spectacular:

1. Do not spend more than 3 or 4 hours without eating . If you stop eating food for prolonged periods, you will gain weight, since the glucose drops, so your body goes into starvation and begins to accumulate fat. Therefore, the ideal is that you consume two snacks a day

2. Get rid of stress According to the nutritionist Rafael Bolio , the obesity and the overweight they are extremely linked to stress . The reason is that the chronic stress causes the body to release substances that favor the accumulation of grease . That's why, when you're stressed, it's common for you to consume high-fat foods, such as cakes, ice cream and fried foods.

3. Consume only the fat you need . Preferably choose natural fats such as avocado and the olive oil . Remember that you should not eliminate fat from your body; this would cause some degree of malnutrition and a greater tendency to gain weight

4. Carbohydrates in moderation. He prefers complexes to simple ones, like whole grains, because they will keep you so hungry for longer. Also, you will ingest more fiber and you will eat less for stress I anxiety

5. Eat everything According to Dr. Bolio, you diet It must be varied and it is necessary that you combine all the food groups such as carbohydrates, protein, fruits and vegetables, as well as the dairy products in your diet

Remember that the ideal is to approach the health experts, so they can design a food and exercise plan that suits your needs, complexion and lifestyle.

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Video Medicine: Workouts for Women : How to Lose Belly Fat with Exercises (April 2024).