Ideal to start your day?

"Have breakfast as king, eat as a prince and dine as a beggar" How much truth is there in this popular saying? According to a study conducted by the Imperial College London, A nutritious and proportioned breakfast can prevent the urge to overeat throughout the day.

Directed by the expert Tony Goldstone, the research revealed that skipping the first meal a day can cause the brain to produce a predisposition toward high-calorie foods; what becomes an impediment if your goal is to lose weight.

There is an infinity of nutritious breakfasts; however, integrating a dessert or sweet food to them will not only revive your day, but it will provide you with the energy necessary for you to be active.

Sugar can be obtained in many ways; example, in the fruit. Thus, GetQoralHealth presents seven low-calorie dessert options for a nutritious breakfast. Check our photo gallery!

Video Medicine: POWERFUL POSITIVE Morning Affirmations for POSITIVE DAY, WAKE UP: 21 Day "I AM" Affirmations (April 2024).