1. Denial

Sadness, anger, confusion ... We experience these emotions because we usually imagine that life will be perfect, everything will go wonderfully, we will be happy, we will have success and health. However, when faced with the diagnosis of a disease such as diabetes, we feel that our present and future are at risk.

There are even five stages by which every person can go through the diagnosis of diabetes, or any other chronic disease. The order is not always the same and do not always live all the phases, however, with the help of a professional you can be victorious and overcome it.


1. Denial

In these steps you think and believe that the diagnosis was a mistake and you continue acting as if nothing had happened.


2. Anger

Ask yourself why, to feel anger and to blame everyone and yourself for the misfortune is common during this stage.


3. Negotiation

In this step you usually look for miraculous cures or you think that behaving well will restore your health and you will stop having diabetes.


4. Depression

Feeling alone and believing that everything is lost is what distinguishes this stage.


5. Acceptance

In this stage of the duel it is accepted that one has Diabetes and the necessary changes are made in lifestyle to take care of health.

Video Medicine: Life After Amputation | Stage 1: DENIAL (May 2024).