9 sequels of sexual abuse

"It was your fault, you provoked me", "it will not hurt if you relax", "I love you baby" ... These are some phrases that you can find in the blog Project Unbreakable, (Unbreakable Project) in which the photographer Grace Brown l It gives an image and a voice to one of the crimes in which the innocence of the victims is more questioned: sexual abuse.

Beyond sexual intercourse, sexual abuse ranges from harassment and contact to exploitation. It occurs when someone forces or manipulates another person to perform unwanted or unwanted sexual activity.

In 2012 alone, 14, 050 complaints were filed for violations against the Public Ministry of the Procurator of the Republic in Mexico ; but, so you can understand and discover, the true magnitude of this problem GetQoralHealth Y Chain Three News they present you with the following video:

15 out of 16 rapists will never touch jail or have the consequences of this act, but what about the victims? Here we mention 9 sequels:

1. Guilt, shame and shame.

2. Fear and distrust of everything.

3. Denial.

4. Low self-esteem.

5. Anxiety and anger.

6. Physical damage: blows, tears in sexual organs.

7. Changes in eating patterns.

8. Pregnancy.

9. Sexually transmitted diseases.

According to National Report on Violence and Health in Mexico, 70% of the aggressors are relatives who abuse them at home; the father in 7.2% of the cases; the stepfather at 8.2%; some other male relative (uncles, cousins ​​or men known as neighbors, compadres, etc.) in 55.1%; and the boyfriend at 3.4%.

The healing process after sexual violence can be difficult and take a long time. With the necessary support and with the passage of time it can be healed.

Video Medicine: The even darker underbelly of THE EXORCIST - film analysis (May 2024).