10 signs of weight gain by thyroid

The problems of weight gain and obesity can be triggered by factors external to food, that is, when people have thyroid problems or symptoms of hypothyroidism.

According to National Institute of Public Health (INSP) , of the Ministry of Health, subclinical hypothyroidism can affect 10% of the Mexican population, in case it is not detected in time.

For their part, National Institutes of Health of the United States (NIH, for its acronym in English) detail that the thyroid is a gland in the form of a butterfly that is located in the neck and produces hormones, which help to establish the metabolism.

In this way, when there is an alteration in this process there is an increase in weight and other symptoms of hypothyroidism that can alert you to take care of your health. Know them!

  1. Fatigue and weakness
  2. Fluid retention and weight gain
  3. Dry skin and pallor
  4. Hair loss and brittle nails
  5. Constipation
  6. Depression and anxiety
  7. Hypothermia or cold intolerance
  8. Heart failure
  9. High cholesterol levels
  10. Menstrual disorders

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the doctor María Elena Sañudo, endocrinologist , explains the prevalence in men and women, as well as other symptoms of hypothyroidism:

When the disease is not detected early, more serious problems than weight gain such as low blood pressure, decreased respiration, and body temperature may occur.

If you have several symptoms of hypothyroidism, it is best to go with a specialist to perform a thyroid profile exam and provide you with a timely diagnosis that helps to take care of your health. And you, how many times a year do you perform a general medical examination?

Video Medicine: Underactive Thyroid Symptoms (May 2024).