1. Agree dates of meeting

It is not an unusual situation, in the United States at least three million couples live separately and between 25 and 50% of university students maintain a engagement far. Keep a distance relationship It can be even more successful than the conventional way.

So that the love affairs at a distance work both members of the partner they must agree that there is distance, and commit themselves completely to the relationship, affirms Azyadeth Peralta , psychologist graduated from Autonomous University of Mexico (UAM) , in an interview for GetQoralHealth .


Communication and trust are the most important in any relationship, but in one that stays at a distance they become indispensable. They mean the bases that can build and sustain love for a long time, "he says.

IF your partner and you are convinced to maintain a distance relationship , but still do not know how to do it successfully, healthy and happy, we share the tips that Azyadeth Peralta indicates they can help you.


1. Agree dates of meeting

If they decide that they will only be seen on the weekends, it is important that both of them respect it; comply with commitment It is a sign of interest in the relationship , so there is no cause for cancellations (unless it is a serious circumstance)


2. Use technology

All means of communication They are useful to keep them together, try to talk about the things that happen to them and give support. Just be careful with the bad interpretations , what is written tends to facilitate problems. Calls should not be lost.


Think about having a romantic date on the internet. If you really are far away or have a lot of work, take a virtual coffee. In this time they can talk about everything that happens to them and live together. Avoid talking about your relationship all the time, that's not what couples do. "


3. No claims

If you have already made the decision to maintain a distance relationship , it is not worth to blame the couple for feeling alone, since the previous agreement must be respected. Of course, it is normal feeling , but the best thing in that case is to share it and solve it without fights.


4. Surprise yourself

The details are food of the love ; Although they maintain an agreement to see each other on certain days, a surprise invitation to eat will always encourage closeness in the relationship . This will also help break the routines, which are killer of love.


The surprise always likes the other, always desired. One always expects the other person to receive what one is giving, "he says.


5. Enjoy your time alone

Use the time you have individually to enjoy being with you, going out with the friends , do what you love. You do not have to see it as an obligation to be alone. Be self-sufficient It is the best way to


6. Be creative

The intimate part It is very important in a good relationship and distance can put "the foot" in it, to avoid it the best is that in their meetings avoid thinking about everything they have not done and focus on what they want to do at that time.


7. Look for a common activity

A simple way to join is to find something to do "together" from a distance. For example, read a book, take the time to do it and then comment on what you think, this will encourage the links your love .

It would be complicated to say that love is only one thing, relationship It can be as functional as you decide. In the end you should not forget that another major tips to maintain a relationship at a distance is that the "rules of the game" must be clear from the start.