You can start today!

Indisputable! To keep you ideal weight and to be healthy It is imperative that you do some physical activity .

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) , only 40% of the population in the world has the habit of doing exercise , when the recommendation is to set aside at least three hours a week to dedicate it to some physical activity .

It ends with a sedentary lifestyle

The style of lifetime so hectic and individual pressures is what dominates mainly in big cities and makes it almost "impossible" for you to practice regularly sport .

If it is your case and the lack of weather is a pretext, start to activate you and lose weight with some really effective exercises that will make you finish the sedentary lifestyle and to prevent serious diseases like obesity .


You can start today!

The ideal is to start with a plan exercises ; something practical and simple is walk . You do this every day. The ideal is to make only a few small adjustments: walk more Quick and with force to raise your heart rate , this favors the burning of calories .


According to the Self-care Guide, if during a month you design a plan to walk 460 minutes with specific levels of intensity You will be able to lose up to four kilos in three months.

Jump the rope It was a childhood game that you can adopt to your lifestyle. It helps you to to lose Some kilos .

Mayo Clinic calculate that with this activity you get to burn up to 730 calories if you make a routine 60 minutes and your weight is 72 kg.

Even if you suffer problems of the column , bones, heart or lungs is better than do not the try .

What it's about is changing habits , so if you live, study or work in a building use the stairs.

Roy Shephard , researcher of the University of Toronto , is convincing when affirming that a sedentary executive who climbs steps of 20 centimeters at a rate of 30 or 40 per minute, spends around 50% of his aerobic capacity maximum, which is an excellent physical work.

Only 40% of the population in the world has the habit of exercising