Why is cold water better than hot water?

Water is wonderful for health and in a matter of weight loss, more. If you do not know if drink cold or hot water to lose weight , today we tell you which is the best.

A study of University of Humboldt (Berlin) ensures that drink cold water helps lose weight .


Why is cold water better than hot water?

Experts say that when the body is exposed to cold temperatures , both externally and internally, the agency works to burn calories that are stored to warm the organism.

To the drink cold water , the body burns calories from reserves to generate heat in the body, which would eventually helplose weight .

The research made it clear that people had to drink 16 glasses ofcold water per day, they managed to eliminate 18 calories per day, this without doing any type of exercise.

And in those people who exercise, when they drink cold water , the impact of metabolism is very positive because it allows you to burn more calories during training, in addition to preventing dehydration.

So although the cold water helps you lose weight , the ideal is that you also exercise so that your calorie burning be faster

Another tip that can help you in your weight loss is to take simple water before each meal, in this way you will reduce the amount of food you consume.

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