Stress detonates bruxism

What is the bruxism ? It is characterized by involuntary tightening or grinding of the teeth, either in the morning or at night. It affects 4 out of 10 Mexicans, says the stomatologist Oscar Salinas Velazco , of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS).

Salinas Velazco says it affects men and women; It is more frequent during adolescence, but it can occur at any stage of life, since the person does it unconsciously.

To detect it, only a medical revision of the denture is needed, since when exerting excessive pressure on the teeth, they suffer, wear out and lose the natural enamel layer, which generates from pain to the loss of teeth.

However, some patients suffer from headaches and ears, migraine, discomfort in jaw and neck muscles, which was proven in a study of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the University of Murcia.


Stress detonates bruxism

Bruxism has multiple risk factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, smoking, alcoholism, drugs, excessive intake of caffeine, but the main one is the stress and the emotional part that people live daily, say researchers from the National University of the Northeast, in Argentina.

Therefore, there are many treatments to control and eliminate it. One of them is the use of a relaxation plane, which is a transparent acrylic plate that is placed between the teeth to avoid permanent injury and reduce jaw, head and ear pain.

Even alternative anti-stress therapies such as aromatherapy and music therapy; as well as practicing yoga, knitting, performing another sport of preference and applying heat to the facial muscles eliminate bruxism.

For its part, to eliminate bruxism, the Ferran Institute of Rheumatology recommends reducing activities at dusk, relaxing 60 or 90 minutes before sleep, avoid heavy dinners and remove all distractions from our bedroom. And you, do you have good sleep habits?

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