Fill your day with natural energy

Do you make mistakes in your work, are you too tired to play with your children or do you just can not get out of bed because of fatigue? There are foods and drinks that, naturally, can help you combat this problem and fill your day with energy.

When talking about fatigue the first option to fight it is usually the consumption of energy drinks; however, according to a study conducted by the Hopkins University led by expert Charles J. Reissing, These liquids are rich in caffeine, which raises blood pressure and heart rate in addition to generating addiction and mask the symptoms of alcohol intoxication when consumed mixed with alcohol.


Fill your day with natural energy

If you could use food and drinks that will help you maintain and increase your energy throughout the day, would you consume them?

According to a study or published by Psychology Today These three natural options fill you with energy in a natural way:

1. Dark chocolate. This could be the perfect excuse to keep some candy on your desk. The compounds in cocoa called flavonoids produce an increase in blood flow to the brain when you eat dark chocolate. That in turn helps you feel awake, alert and more able to perform difficult tasks.

2. Water Almost every system in the body suffers when we are dehydrated, including the brain. Research shows that not drinking enough H 2 O throughout the day decreases your attention and short-term memory.

3. Coffee or tea. Increase cognitive performance, concentration and focus, a recipe for increased productivity.

When you integrate these foods into your life (with limitations) it helps you, not only to increase your energy, but also to improve your emotional and physical health.