Watson for Oncology, a new alternative against cancer

Angels Group adds to the fight against cancer with the help of artificial intelligence. The "Center of Cognitive Technology of Hospital Angeles "Announced that thanks to a computer platform created by IBM, it is possible to develop and offer personalized treatments.

Watson for Oncology , is a platform that compares millions of data from medical books, scientific research and periodicals, from renowned specialists around the world. From these, in a matter of minutes it offers alternatives for the treatment of the patient, at the same time that it stores its parameters enriching the database.


"In no way is this technology intended to replace the doctor, but it expands the treatment options with which it counts," says Dr. Juan Ortega Cerda, of Grupo Ángeles Servicios de Salud.

Advantages of the tool:

  • Documented evidence
  • Provide personalized treatment options
  • Interconsultation database
  • Medical only tool
  • It is not possible to filter the information
  • Protected data, therefore confidentiality


"Between 2012 and 2030 it is expected that they will duplicate cancer cases," says Dr. Jean Rene Clemenceau Valdivi, oncologist surgeon at the Hospital Angeles del Pedregal.

Precisely what you are looking for with this type of alternatives is avoid metastasis ; that is, the cancer does not spread to other organs.

The Cognitive Technology Center of Hospital Angeles , at the forefront in the fight against cancer in Mexico. It is the first computer system for oncological assistance in the country, and it allows to personalize the treatment of patients. One more step forward in medicine that will make a difference in the lives of many people.