Taste deceptive?

An important part of breakfast is the Orange juice, that rovides the organism vitamin C and prevents the formation of kidney stones, according to a study published in the journal Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology; however, excessive intake can be a cause of health damage.

A glass of orange juice (with three squeezed fruits) contributes around 210 calories.

A glass of orange juice (with three squeezed fruits) contributes around 210 calories; In addition, in this presentation the fiber present in the pulp is lost, says the expert Alberto Cormilot , founder of Argentine Institute of Food and Nutrition (IAAN).

In the following video, Deyanira Cano explains the importance of reducing this habit, which rather than taking care of your health, harms it.


Taste deceptive?

In the search to control the overweight and the chronic degenerative diseases that are related to this problem, some myths have been revealed; among them, the benefit of consuming Orange juice that in excess can damage health. Here we present 6 ways you do it:

1. Contains fructose. An investigation carried out by the experts Robert Lustig and Richard Johnson, indicates that the excess of these makes gain weight deceiving the metabolism , since it turns off the appetite control organ in your system. The fructose insulin does not properly stimulate, which in turn does not suppress ghrelin (the "hunger hormone") and does not stimulate leptin (the "hormone of satiety "), which together give rise to insulin resistance and this causes a person to overeat.

2. Damage your ears. Fructose increases the levels of triglycerides. According to a study of Alma Pesquero Romero, responsible for Otoneurology Cabinet of the Regional Hospital, Gabriel Mancera, the ear is usually the first organ to reveal a condition in the circulatory system, Hyperlipidemias are more frequent, that is, high triglyceride levels (the main type of fat that travels through the bloodstream to give energy or be stored).

3. Time affects you. If it is not fresh and it takes more than 2 hours in the refrigerator or in the open, its nutritional value is reduced by up to 80%.

4. Causes diabetes. A study published in British Medical Journal , about the consumption of fruits and the risk of type 2 diabetes, reveals that although eating fruit reduces the risk of developing diabetes, drinking it seems to increase it.

5. Does not contain practically fiber. A glass of orange juice represents 10% of the fiber that an orange has.

6. Increase your weight. The expert Alberto Cormilot notes that only rapid-hydrate hydrates are used in orange juice, which sharply increase insulin in the blood and favor the formation of grease.

The orange juice can harm, but if you consume it moderately and as part of a balanced diet (supervised by a health expert) it can be beneficial. Remember that your health is in your hands!

Video Medicine: Get Real - Taste the Truth: Deceptive Packaging (April 2024).