Everything depends on how you look and do

40% of the actions that we carry out each day of our life are habits, this according to a study carried out by the Duke University, in the United States; But what is needed to change bad habits, and these are always harmful?

Changing a habit generates modifications in neurological patterns, in other words: altering a bad or good routine transforms the brain. This is what it says Charles Duggig, author of the book "The power of habits", who suggests that the only thing that is needed to achieve it is willpower.

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Everything depends on how you look and do

There is a lot of talk that bad habits, such as video games, eating too much and not exercising have harmful effects on health. But nevertheless, GetQoralHealth, with information of the publication Selections, presents you with the positive side of four bad habits. Will you encourage them to change them?

1. Music at full volume. A study of University of Manchester He says that the higher the volume of the music, the more pleasure it generates. This is because the vestibular system of the ear (which regulates the balance and transmits vibrations) when the sound waves activate it, sends a "positive" or "pleasant" signal to the brain.

However, to obtain this benefit, the music does not have to exceed 30 decibels, contrary to what can be found in a nightclub that regularly exceeds 100, a situation that can cause hearing damage.

2. Alcohol. Research conducted in the Netherlands and the Czech Republic indicate that the rich content of vitamin B6 in beer prevents the accumulation of homocysteine, an amino acid that in high concentration seems to be related to heart attacks. And like wine, beer contains polyphenols, substances that reduce bad cholesterol.

Although, drinking more than 30 or 40 milliliters of alcohol a day can damage health; In addition, alcohol contains many calories.

3. Video games! These can stimulate the development of planning skills and strategic thinking. As well as facilitate the learning of basic concepts of physics, according to an investigation carried out by the Glyndwr University. However, some games can produce symptoms similar to those of stress. Young children are more vulnerable because they find it more difficult to distinguish between the real and the fictional.

4. Write text messages. A study conducted by the teacher Helen Haste, of the Nestlé Social Research Program, in London, He discovered that young adults consider that text messages have become essential in their relationship with their parents. The phone is more direct, but text messages nuance emotions and avoid misinterpretation of voice tones.

Not all bad habits harm health, you just have to have a balance. Something that can be achieved with willpower. Try it!