Overcome depression while toning your body

Between 12% and 20% of the adult population in Mexico suffers from depression, according to the Secretary of Public Health ; however, there is some way to reverse these figures. It is possible that the solution is in physical activity.

A study conducted by the University of Texa s and published by the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, notes that physical activity is as effective as an antidepressant without the side effects of these. Thus GetQoralHealth presents you three exercises that will help you combat this state of mind.

1. Tennis. It is an enthusiastic game with which you can help reduce depression. It takes time and effort and you are likely to suffer some setback along the way. But over time as you continue to exercise you will begin to reap the benefits for physical and mental health, in addition to improving your physical performance.

2. Gardening. Try to maintain a regular routine of exercises in the garden, it will help you to distract the mind and to have a clean space to perform your exercises outdoors. As far as possible try to take time to perform this type of activity.

3. Swimming . Exercise stimulates endorphins in the body and that will make you feel happy. In addition, swimming is an activity that anyone can do, it is easy to practice and is for all ages. With this exercise you will have adequate breathing and improve lung capacity.

Physical activity is ideal to avoid depression, but also to tone the body and maintain your weight. Add 30 minutes a day and activate your day.