Usefulness of cloth diapers

A new ecological conscience breaks out in all corners of the world. Thanks to her, such a classic custom as returning to the use of Cloth diapers it is being imposed on thousands of homes.

If you are still not convinced, read these illustrative data and you will see how you will say goodbye to the Disposable diapers :

1. On average, a baby uses monthly 124 Disposable diapers . This is equivalent to a soccer field full of diapers up to 10 meters high, every month. These take from 200 to 500 years to decompose.

2. In the United States, 82 thousand tons of plastic are generated each year and 250 thousand trees are cut down to manufacture pdisposable yarns , which means throwing 18 billion diapers to the trash. Of all this, only 40% is biodegradable.

The savings with Cloth diapers is older. The amount of money that can be saved depends on many factors: the type of cloth diaper that it is used, the number that is acquired, if it is preferred to wash them separately or with the rest of the towels and sheets. On average, newborns use 10 to 12 diapers.


Cloth diapers in Mexico

For years, there are companies that are dedicated to the manufacture of ecological diapers and high tech textile.

The fabrics used are the same as before (cotton, flannel and velor), but with the advantage that they already have the shape made and are closed with snaps or velcro.

In addition, its manufacturers guarantee the use of organic cotton free of pesticides and chemicals, ideal for the delicate skin of the baby.

The good news is that in some municipalities in the United Kingdom, municipalities already subsidize the purchase of Cloth diapers to reduce waste treatment costs caused by waste Disposable diapers .

Video Medicine: Cloth Diapering a Newborn - How Hard Is It REALLY? BEST CLOTH DIAPERS FOR NEWBORNS (May 2024).