Upside down

You take off every night and apply rejuvenating creams, however, the position in which you sleep influences premature aging.

The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD, for its acronym in English) warns that resting in certain positions can develop lines of expression.


"There are two types of wrinkles: those of expression, caused by the contraction of muscles and those formed at bedtime.

The latter are formed when the skin is being crushed, pushed or stretched by contact with the pillow, mattress or sheets, "says Marianne O'Donoghue, dermatologist.

Avoid wrinkles when sleeping with these the following tips.


Upside down

It is without doubt the worst position. Circulation is affected and more fluids are retained. Do not be surprised if you wake up with bags under your eyes and dark circles.



Doing it this way increases the wrinkles of the cheekbones, chin and breasts.


Face up

It is the most recommended position because it does not put pressure on the skin of the face and decongest the face.

Remember that in addition to these tips to avoid wrinkles it is important to moisturize your skin from the inside, so drink two liters of water daily.