Types of family structure

Divorces, economic needs, difficulty of coexistence, aggression and problems related to education and the behavior of children are some of the causes that have modified the structure of the Mexican family type in the last 20 years.

The traditional family type, in which the father, mother and children live together in the home and create bonds of solidarity and affection, is one of the main values ​​for the Mexican.

However, divorce has become a common practice for a decade. In the country seven divorces were registered for every 100 marriages and more than half were volunteers. This could mean that the Mexican family type is in crisis; However, some experts say that they are only changes in the traditional structure.

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Types of family structure

"In literature it is argued that the family is the central core of society, but the current reality shows us different types of family: that of a single parent, that of a couple without children, the extended one or of groups that come together because they have nobody to see for them, "he explained Refugio Ríos, researcher at the School of Higher Studies Iztacala (FESI) of the UNAM.

Some studies, such as "Diagnosis of the Mexican Family" and estimates of the National Population Council , indicate that in the national territory there are almost 27 million homes, 24.5 million are considered "family"; that is, at least two of its members have ties of blood, more than 2 million are formed by individuals without kinship or who live alone, and although the records are not as accurate, it is estimated that about 0.7% of Mexican households are formed by homosexuals.

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Figures of value

The diagnosis, made in 24 thousand homes, indicated that for young women the closest figure is the sister, the friend follows and the mother third; for men, first is the friend, then the brothers and then the parents.

It is thought that the family is the main transmitter of values ​​and socially accepted behavior, but schedules of parents and activities of children and grandparents have made this change, he said. One of the most worrisome consequences is that children and adolescents enter a state of alienation and lose interest abroad, in people or in problems.

Therefore, university psychologists are working on the design of skills aimed at young people that facilitate their interaction with family members and teachers; this with the purpose of maintaining a better relationship with the members of its main nucleus.

Video Medicine: Types Of Family Structures (May 2024).