The detection

In recent years we have heard that eating disorders They have become an epidemic and have been growing alarmingly, however, that is false. There is the same prevalence that 10 years ago, only, that nowadays, adolescents are more exposed than before.

Eating Disorders have multiple causes and several of them must be combined to develop the disease. Society, its physical and beauty demand, is one of the factors that most influences this disorder.

However, this is not the only one, there are other factors, such as the personality itself which facilitates the insertion of a eating behavior disorder; This is the case of perfectionists, very rigid and in great need of control. Also, those who have traits of impulsivity, feeling of loss of control and little tolerance to frustration.


The detection

There are two eating disorders main which are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, to identify the first is necessary to observe the following signs:

1. Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming obese.

2. Refusal to maintain body weight equal to the normal minimum value according to age, weight and height.

3. Alteration in the perception of weight or body shape, look fat despite being undernourished.

4. The absence of menstruation for more than three cycles in a row.

There are two types of anorexia nervosa, one that restricts: it performs long fasts and consumes minimal amounts of food. The other is the compulsive purgative: they use purging methods to lose weight, vomiting, laxatives and diuretics.

To identify bulimia observe these symptoms:

1. Presence of recurrent binge eating.

2. Bingeing is at least twice a week for a minimum of three months in a row.

3. The self-assessment is influenced by the weight and body shape

In both cases of eating disorders , the treatment is interdisciplinary, headed by the psychiatrist. These are conditions that can be treated by external consultation. Only in extreme cases is medical hospitalization recommended.

If you have the symptoms described here or know someone who suffers, do not hesitate to go to the doctor for help. He will determine if he can give you treatment or have to refer you to a psychiatrist.

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