The curse of winning an Oscar?

Being one of the winners of an Oscar could be for all actors, actresses, directors and related to the Academy, the most important event of their professional and personal lives, however for many this has not been the case.

Within the scope of Hollywood, there is something called "The curse of the Oscar ", Due to the bitter experiences that some of the Oscar winners still have.

According to various media portals, this "curse" of being one of the Oscar winners does not respect ages, hierarchies or gender, so there are many stories of artists whose lives have been upset after receiving the statuette, either by scandals, excesses and addictions, or by seeing his career in decline for unrecognized projects.

One of the best known cases is that of Tatum O'Neal The youngest actress among the winners of an Oscar, was made of the statuette at age ten for "Paper Moon" in 1973.

From then on, her life became an accumulation of excesses, as she describes in her autobiographical best-seller, "Vida de papel", where she narrates how her father introduced her to drugs and sex.

On the contrary, one of the winners of an Oscar with more age and recognition,Roberto Benigni , has just released 4 films since he was twice winner of the Academy Award in 1998 for "Life is beautiful."

Some other Oscar winners, such as Nicole Kidman, Renee Zellweger, Halle Berry, Adrien Brody, Cuba Gooding Jr. or Kevin Spacey , have not had great success in years. Although many have had projects within Hollywood, critics have described their films as disappointing.

These are just some examples of actors and actresses for whom more than a boost to their career, being Oscar winners has meant a heavier uphill call "Curse of the Oscar" .

Video Medicine: The Oscar Curse - Halle berry & Gwyneth paltrow (May 2024).