Take action!

According to data from Venezuelan Observatory of Violence , the homicides in Venezuela have increased, and that is that in 2013 alone the rate increased to 79 murders per 100, 000 inhabitants, which meant 24, 763 people died.

Several artists have expressed their indignation and laments before the death of the Venezuelan actress and model Monica Spear the early morning of this Monday.

The model was in the state of Carabobo when he stopped before a mechanical failure of his vehicle and strangers tried to assault it. Monica resisted and was killed. In the incident her husband was also killed Thomas Henry her 7-year-old daughter was wounded in the leg.

In GetQoralHealth We present 3 models that have been victims of crime.

1. Leslie Shaw The model and singer was the victim of an assault in September 2013. In the incident in the Dominican Republic, the thief broke one of the windows of the vehicle and fortunately the model was not injured.

2. Edith Tapia. Just a few blocks from her house the model was the victim of an assault in which the subject snatched his wallet and proceeded to flee. The model explains that this is not the first time such an incident has occurred and she urges the authorities to take action on this.

3. Claudia Albertario. The model was in a restaurant in Palermo with her daughter when they opened their car and took their GPS and stereo. The model says that when leaving her car was "destroyed".


Take action!

In this regard, National Chamber of Commerce and Services in Uruguay, it gives you some recommendations in case of assault:

1. Stay calm and breathe deeply
2. Do not put up resistance and less when the criminal is armed
3. Try to memorize and understand what is heard
4. Do not look the assailant in the eyes
5. For no reason attempt to pursue or harm the assailants

The also famous Fabiola Colmenarez he makes a call in Twitter regarding the death of the model Monica Spear : "The news of Monica Spear's death is heartbreaking, we live in a state of crime and accomplice! Until when?"

Remember to always have on hand the emergency telephones of your locality, as well as some basic identification data: blood type or telephone number of a family member. Always stay calm and make the appropriate report. Beware!