Did you know…?

According to an initiative of the American Dietetic Association , almonds represent a good option to include in your breakfast or snack and fulfill your goal of losing weight; since they provide omega 3 fatty acids and energy necessary to maintain an adequate weight and nourish your body.

Therefore in GetQoralHealth We present 7 things you did not know about almonds that can benefit your health and that of your loved ones.


Did you know…?

1. Healthy Consuming at least 30 grams of nuts such as almonds, daily helps to prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases, according to The New England Journal of Medicine .

2. It is antioxidant. A study of Agricultural Research Service indicates that almonds have antioxidant capacity, thanks to its vitamin E content.

3. "Good" fat It helps to provide the necessary fats for a correct corporal and cerebral function.

4. Better digestion. Thanks to its fiber content, almonds help you feel more full in less time and speed up the digestive process.

5. Cancer According to the Arthritis Foundation Almonds help prevent colon cancer and reduce constipation.

6. They reduce cravings. They are considered a "healthy snack" because they can easily be taken everywhere and avoid consuming high-calorie foods.

7. Improve concentration. A study conducted in the University of Illinois reveals that consuming a handful of almonds for several months helps to solve better memory test.

María Luengo ,  nutritionist and author of the book "Almonds and other nuts" explains that nuts also help in the treatment of coronary heart disease, thanks to the vasodilatory effect of the arginine contained in them.

A serving of 8 to 10 almonds can represent a suitable morning or evening snack. Another advantage of almonds is that they are available throughout the year. Include healthy foods and take care of your health and figure!

Video Medicine: 25 AMAZING Facts You’ll Want To Know (April 2024).