Silent affection

The prostate cancer it's a public health problem in Mexico that has become the first cause of death for cancer in mens .


At year, five thousand men die because of this disease , this mortality rate is higher than that registered in cases of breast cancer Y cervical which have received more attention, says Mariano Sotomayor de Zavaleta, president of the Mexican Society of Urology .

The prostate cancer It is a type of cancer that originates in this gland that is part of the male genital tract. Unlike other forms of cancer, the prostate It presents small areas cancerous that remain inactive for years, when the Cancer he disseminates to other parts of the body to affect first to the bones , which generates intense pain.


Silent affection

This disease advances almost silently because do not there is symptom specific cases that alert and, unfortunately, men do not usually talk about their health, proof of this is that six out of ten patients go to the doctor at very advanced stages, when the Cancer It has been expanded to other bodies, in this case already do not is curable .

Year,5 thousand men die of prostate cancer

Sotomayor de Zavaleta affirms that this is a disease It would be common, to which it is not given the necessary importance, both by authorities and by the population, because of Myths and false perceptions how is the treatment .


Anticipating pain is preventing

The prostate cancer It is a condition heterogeneous , without an exact or common cause, although there factors of risk as the Family history , the age , a diet rich in fats of animal origin and lack of vitamin D .

The President of the Mexican Society of Urology affirms to GetQoralHealth that it is important to prevent this disease, therefore it recommends men over 40 years , request a consultation with the urologist to review the prostate , get a test of prostatic antigen once a year.

It also ensures that for a reliable diagnosis several tests must be performed, in addition to prostatic antigen (blood test) and the rectal examination , a biopsy It helps to confirm any warning signal.

In addition to making a review every year , it is important to have a feeding and healthy life to prevent the disease. Because taking care of yourself is also about men, inform yourself in time!