Stretching increases your well-being

The stretching It is one of the most important activities to keep fit and free of injuries to the body, especially when some kind of exercise ; however, it is usually one of the most neglected actions.

The flexibility that is acquired with stretching increases the wellness and prevents the aging in each of the people, because it helps you feel better, increases your agility, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and improves your blood circulation.

One of the advantages of stretching is that you can do it from anywhere, at the time you want; In addition, you do not need a special team to do it. You just have to pay attention to the tension in your muscles. In the following video, some stretching exercises are explained that you must do before and after each physical activity :

People who have not been used to doing some physical activity , they should start with a static stretch, to accustom their body to movement. For example:

Go into a stretch position and hold for 15-30 seconds without bouncing. You can apply it when you get out of bed or from somewhere where you have been without moving for a long time.

Specialists ensure that by doing a stretch for five minutes a day, it will make a big difference in how you feel and how you look, as it will help improve your posture. And you, do you already do some stretching a day?

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Video Medicine: 10 Exercises to Become Taller In One Week (May 2024).