Stimulate your mind with mushroom massage

You feel stressed and fatigued? It's time for you to try some alternative therapies that help you balance the energy of the body like medicine ayurveda , which improves your physical and mental health, in a holistic, natural and integral way.

According to Instituto de Terapias Alternativas Iris , one of the therapies of medicine ayurveda that will help you eliminate stress and improve your mood is the massage champi

This is one of the most important treatments of Ayurvedic medicine, because through the friction that takes place in the head, it balances the energy with the whole organism. To be encouraged to enjoy it, watch the following video:

The aim of the mushroom massage is to stimulate the energy centers, to physically, mentally and emotionally harmonize the patient. This method of Ayurvedic medicine is responsible for:

  1. Increase the blood circulation and lymphatic head, neck and shoulders
  2. Reduce the inflammation of tissues and ocular
  3. Releases emotional blocks
  4. Balance the energy points and harmonize the chakras

In addition, it is effective for the prevention and treatment of diseases or body pains. That is why it is necessary for each user to have a personalized therapy of medicine ayurveda . And you, would you like to experience new relaxation therapies?

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