Static postures to tone your body

Did you know that muscles of the body can be toned without making any movement? This is very true, even, some static postures will make you burn grease and sweating more than other activities you do every day.

In information published by The Huffington Post , the exercise Static helps tone your body faster than the practice of hundreds of ABS . To start with these types of activities, here are some examples:

Offset: In addition to toning, this position burns the grease and gives shape to the glutes, thighs and calves. Stand up and take a step forward with one leg. Bend to an angle of 90 degrees. Hold this position for 30 seconds and change legs.

Half lizard: Lie face down on the floor, lift your body with the help of the tips of your feet and your forearms. Leave your head straight and keep tight your abdomen and glutes. Hold the posture for 30 seconds.

To fly: Lie face down with your arms and legs extended. Lift your head, chest, arms and legs, so that only you abdomen touch the floor. Look forward and hold the position for 30 seconds. Rest and repeat.

Suspension: You can visit a park and use the game called handrails, or failing that, place a fixed bar near the ceiling. The objective is that you grab the bar and drop all your weight , that is, hang on it and bend the knees at a 90 degree angle. Stay suspended for 30 seconds and rest.

Reaffirms buttocks: To tone this part of the body, you should only lie on your back; bend your knees and rest your hands on the ground; elevates the hip and contracts the muscles of the glutes. Hold the position between 30 and 45 seconds.

When you perform these static postures to tone the body, you not only work strength, flexibility and mobility of your muscles, but you strengthen the ligaments and body tendons. So you have no excuse to carry out this exercise at home, while you listen to your favorite music. And you, are you ready to tone up your muscles?

Video Medicine: 15 Yoga Poses That'll Change Your Body In Less Than a Month (April 2024).